Terms of Youth Hack

These terms and conditions govern your participation in the Maldives Youth Hackathon Hackathon. By submitting your entry and by participating (if you are selected to do so) in the Hackathon, you agree to the following:

These terms and conditions govern your participation in the Maldives Youth Hackathon Hackathon. By submitting your entry and by participating (if you are selected to do so) in the Hackathon, you agree to the following:

Eligibility: To enter, you must be at least 18 years of age or older at the time of entry. Participation is open to anyone interested in the topic. Information on how to enter and the logistical details of the Hackathon are available on the Maldives Youth Hackathon websites.

Purpose: The Hackathon aims to stimulate participants' creativity and knowledge to generate impactful ideas with the potential to make a positive impact locally addressing the three challenges and also ensuring that these products and services have global scalability.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): All your original work is and will remain yours. You are free to use the results of the Hackathon that are your original work for any purposes. You will not hold Maldives Youth Hackathon responsible for any other participant's or third party's use of the results of your work at Hackathon.

Grant of rights: Your entry and the ideas or concepts provided by you during your participation in the Hackathon may be used and reproduced by Maldives Youth Hackathon (and its assignees) in perpetuity for any purpose whatsoever and you hereby grant Maldives Youth Hackathon the perpetual sub-licensable right to do so exclusively, royalty-free and without limitation.

Maldives Youth Hackathon and other third parties may supply and invite you to use some of its Intellectual Property rights as a Participant in the Hackathon. For the sole purpose of your participation in the Hackathon and for the duration of the Hackathon, you are granted a limited license to use and adapt the Intellectual Property rights of Maldives Youth Hackathon made available to you by Maldives Youth Hackathon.

Original Work: Your participation in the Hackathon must only concern your own original work and must not, so far as you are aware, infringe the intellectual property or any other legal or moral rights of any third party, and must not violate applicable law or refer to or portray Maldives Youth Hackathon in a disparaging or negative manner. Participants may flag up and define pre-existing IPR if they wish. It is recommended that such pre-existing IPR be identified in a written document before disclosure at the Hackathon.

Independence and Similar Ideas: You acknowledge and agree that a third party may produce similar ideas or concepts during the Hackathon. You also acknowledge and agree that the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Information and Arts with its mandate of the area and for innovation, may be working on similar ideas independently whether now or in the future. You agree not to make any claims or demands of any nature against the Ministry in relation to your participation in or contribution to the Hackathon.

Winner selection: A panel of Maldives Youth Hackathon (or Maldives Youth Hackathon appointed external) judges will select one or several winning ideas for most sustainable solution with best possibility for realization and any other categories as determined by Maldives Youth Hackathon. The winning idea will be announced at the Hackathon. The winning idea will also be published on the Maldives Youth Hackathon (and other related) websites. The decisions of Maldives Youth Hackathon and the judges are final and binding, and may not be appealed.

Prize: Maldives Youth Hackathon will announce the type of prizes before the Hackathon. Maldives Youth Hackathon reserves the right to substitute a prize (or portion thereof) with one of comparable or greater value, at its sole discretion. Each winner is responsible for the payment of taxes on the prize and for any other costs and expenses associated with the acceptance and use of a prize not specifically described above.

Photography and Filming: Maldives Youth Hackathon may take photographs and film (audio and video) of the Hackathon to be used as a public record of the Hackathon or for publicity and/or promotional purposes. You can opt out!

Code of Conduct: As a Participant in the Hackathon you agree to comply with the code of conduct and security regulations provided by Maldives Youth Hackathon. Maldives Youth Hackathon reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any Participant acting in violation of the code of conduct. You agree that you will not hold Maldives Youth Hackathon liable for any loss or damage that may occur to you or your property while at the Hackathon.

Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute arising in connection with the Hackathon or these terms and Conditions, the parties shall attempt to settle their differences in an amicable manner. In the event that any dispute cannot be settled, it shall be finally settled under the rules and regulations governing the Republic of Maldives.




30hr Hackathon

Bridging Dreams,

Unleashing Potential

2-3 MARCH 2024


Registration Closed

24 FEBRUARY 2024

30hr Hackathon

Bridging Dreams,

Unleashing Potential

2-3 MARCH 2024


Registration Closed

24 FEBRUARY 2024

30hr Hackathon

Bridging Dreams,

Unleashing Potential

2-3 MARCH 2024


Registration Closed

24 FEBRUARY 2024


30hr Hackathon

Bridging Dreams,

Unleashing Potential

2-3 MARCH 2024


Registration Closed