Rules of Youth Hack

In-Person Event: Teams must be physically present at the venue to participate and compete.

Eligibility: Participate above the age group of 18 years and below 35 years of age.

Team Size Limit: Registration is limited to teams consisting of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 members. Individual participation is not permitted.

Participation Cap: A total of 10 teams (comprising 50 individuals) will be chosen to compete in the hackathon.

Participation Confirmation: Teams must complete their registration and submit their idea for evaluation by a panel from the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Information and Arts. Teams would be informed of their selection or rejection via email and only the selected teams will have the opportunity to take part in the event.

Registration Fee: There is no cost for registration. However, teams that are chosen to participate in the hackathon will need to provide a small security deposit, which will be refunded to them during the event.

Fresh Code Principle: To guarantee a fair competition for all participants, teams must only produce code during the Hackathon itself. However, they can utilize publicly accessible or open-licensed APIs, SDKs, frameworks, and other software libraries. There are no restrictions on the programming languages or software development tools used.

Code Evaluation: Winning teams may undergo a code review after the event or just before being declared winners. This review ensures that the code used is freshly created.

Ownership and Intellectual Property (IP): Teams maintain complete ownership of their creations from the event and can utilize them as they see fit.

Project Submissions: A distinctive typeform for the submission of project entries would be designed. Detailed instructions will be sent to your inbox during the hackathon and explained further during the event on how to submit your final product for demo.

Demo  Requirement (Final Judging): To compete for the Grand Prize, it's essential to present a functional prototype during the demo. Proposals relying solely on slide-decks or PowerPoint presentations will not be accepted. Teams will have a two (2) minute pitch followed by three (3) minutes of Q&A with the judges.

Security Deposit: Upon successful evaluation, the selected team will be required to provide a security deposit of MVR 1000 to secure their participation. This deposit will be refunded to the team on Day 2 of the Hackathon. The purpose of collecting the security deposit is to ensure the committed attendance of the selected team at the event.

Prize Distribution: Once the winning team is revealed, the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Information and Arts will lead the victorious teams through an incubation program geared towards nurturing and propelling the idea forward. This initiative will entail a sequence of mutually agreed-upon milestones, intricately tied to the prize, promoting a collaborative partnership between the Ministry and the winning team to ensure the prototype's triumphant evolution and market debut. The cash prize, awarded in the local currency, will be provided upon the successful attainment of these jointly defined milestones by the winning team and the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Information and Arts.

Damage and Disruptions: All participants, mentors, and organizers of the hackathon are required to ensure that their actions do not disturb individuals outside the venue or lead to public disturbances, property damage, or destruction. In instances of such behavior, those responsible will be held accountable and required to provide compensation and requested to leave the Hackathon and the premises immediately.

Participation Ineligibility: Individuals engaged in tasks encompassing design, development, management, strategy, or organization of the Maldives Youth Hackathon are excluded from forming or joining any teams that take part in the hackathon.




30hr Hackathon

Bridging Dreams,

Unleashing Potential

2-3 MARCH 2024


Registration Closed

24 FEBRUARY 2024

30hr Hackathon

Bridging Dreams,

Unleashing Potential

2-3 MARCH 2024


Registration Closed

24 FEBRUARY 2024

30hr Hackathon

Bridging Dreams,

Unleashing Potential

2-3 MARCH 2024


Registration Closed

24 FEBRUARY 2024


30hr Hackathon

Bridging Dreams,

Unleashing Potential

2-3 MARCH 2024


Registration Closed